This week has been self-care week, which depresses me somewhat.

The fact that we need an awareness week to encourage people to take good care of themselves, says something significant about the toxic narratives that we are surrounded by in the Western world (in my mind at least).

The stories of carrying on regardless, pushing through, staying strong in the face of adversity, and not allowing your productivity or efficacy in the world to diminish, despite what you may be experiencing, have long been held up as admirable traits in a person.  And then if you add into the mix that a caring attitude towards others, is one of the most highly prized character traits in a relationship, you have a heady cocktail of narratives. And these stories have had us driving ourselves into the ground, making ourselves sick, and burning out for about as long as they have been around.

But, the tide is turning, slowly. Read more

Easter – it’s another one of those times where we are expected to play happy families, oh and if yours isn’t, don’t make other people feel uncomfortable about the fact that this is not consensus reality.

So, what do you do if the reality for you is that being around family is tricky, or you have chosen to put some distance between you, or for any other reason whatsoever you do not have family to be with at this time.

Here’s a few tips to help you look after yourself at a time which can be quite triggering:

    • First tip – don’t buy into the stories that suggest if you don’t have a happy family, there is something wrong with you. Your reality is different and for some people they cannot imagine what that might be like – that’s a them problem, not a you problem. These are probably not the best people to be seeking support from on this matter.

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