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Why is self-care week even a thing?

This week has been self-care week, which depresses me somewhat. The fact that we need an awareness week to encourage people to take good care of themselves, says something significant about the toxic narratives that we are surrounded by in the Western world (in my mind at least). The stories of carrying on regardless, pushing […]

Watch where you step

Mindfulness has been a bit of a buzz word in the health and healing sector for many years now.  People have attributed all sorts of spectacular effects to having a regular practice. Often when people get introduced to the concept of mindfulness, they are thrust straight into a world of meditation and usually come to […]

Greeting the darkness

It’s time to greet the darkness again. The wheel of the year is turning.  A chill has sneaked into our morning air and August sunshine and carefree summer days will soon be a distant memory.  We are officially heading into the dark half of the year. This time of year is odd, if you think […]

What even does self-care look like?

Let’s talk self-care… Self-care has been a hot topic for me, for quite some time now. It’s prominent for me personally and is deeply embedded in my work. Allowing time and space for self care is probably the biggest obstacle the majority of my clients face in getting to where they want to be. It’s […]

Beating the February Fizzle

January rolls around every year and we see a barrage of year end reflections and new year, new me proclamations appearing in our social media feeds. We all know the drill, make a new year’s resolution or an intention for the year, give it the best you’ve got in January (which is often very little, […]

It’s the most wonderless time of the year

Sing it with me now… It’s the most wonderless time of the year! Please tell me you sung that in your head to the tune of that really famous Christmas ditty?!? Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Rachel, where is your festive spirit?” I’m going to own it, I’m not a fan! Christmas can […]

Who turned out the lights?

It’s that time of year again! Are you feeling it already?  I know I am!  It is already so much harder for me to get out of bed in a morning now that I have to do it in the dark every day. Autumn inevitably brings with it shortening daylight hours and for some people […]

What You Need is a Bacon Sandwich!

I sat down one day with my friend at the kitchen table. It had been a long few days and I was tired, sad and fed-up. “You must be hungry,” she said “you haven’t eaten today. What you need right now is a bacon sandwich!” she declared. I heard my friend’s words and could feel […]