It’s that time of year again!

Image of winter tree silhouetted against a sunrise with fields in the backgroundAre you feeling it already?  I know I am!  It is already so much harder for me to get out of bed in a morning now that I have to do it in the dark every day.

Autumn inevitably brings with it shortening daylight hours and for some people (myself included) this can have a heavy impact on our energy, mood and motivation.

And do you know what? – The world would have us believe that there is something wrong with us for being impacted.

We are sold the story of needing to be in some kind perpetual summer state by our society.  We always need to be switched on, and we always need to be sociable, and we always need to be producing blah, blah, blah.

The fact of the matter is though, that this is just a story.  And, when we take a look at the rest of nature (which, in case you hadn’t heard, we are a part of), no other living beings on the planet spend their lives in a perpetual state of switched on, high energy production! Read more